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Original Fiction

Fanfiction & Fannish Projects

Harry Potter


Original Fiction

This section is still under construction, because there's a book that I want to read tonight and I'm running out of "tonight" in which to do that. 

Fanfiction & Fannish Projects

Harry Potter

Adventures in Fannish Archaeology

Essays on the history of popular fanon elements like the "Tempus" spell, the term "wizardspace," and everything about Daphne Greengrass except for her name and House. You can read it here.  

The Nonstandard Book of Spells

A catalog of Harry Potter spells, canonical and otherwise. I plan to include several appendices that delve into magical theory, as well. You can read it here.

It exists because (1) the Harry Potter Wiki is sometimes lacking even when it discusses canonical spells, because some editors will treat the video games or LEGO sets as canonical sources without making that explicit, and other editors will misunderstand even text from the books, and (2) there are some fan-created spells which I think should be easier to read about. 

Someday, Merlin willing, I'll do something similar with potions. 

There is Nothing to Fear

AU fic where Tom Riddle was sorted into Gryffindor. Some other things (like "nearly everything to do with Wizarding America") have also been altered. You can read the series here.

The first part of the story consists of oneshots and a few multi-part short stories, and covers the period of 1940-1991 in a non-linear format. Some readers have really enjoyed this and others have hated it. The second part, Hermione Granger and the Silent Country, is a single ongoing work (currently over 100,000 words long) that mostly covers 1994-1995. Quite by accident, it recaps some of the important events of the first part and several readers have told me that they were able to understand Silent Country just fine without reading the earlier stories. 


The Gods Have Horns

AU fic where the beta trolls won Shrub and entered their newly-created universe as gods. Work began on the TGHH in 2015, before certain revelations about certain characters, so it left the territory of "pure canon divergence" a long time ago. You can read the series here. More than any of my other works, it was heavily co-written with Shadow Wasser (who, you can be sure, assisted greatly on anything else on this page). 

In addition to the main story, there are two supplemental works: Guide to the Zodiac which describes the Zodiac Gods from an in-universe perspective; and Tales from the Holy Planet, which collects folktales and myths about the Zodiac Gods.