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Increasing network speed demands flexible and expandable DC power solutions. Due to its small size, high efficiency, reliability and wide range of communication, the Flatpack S Intrepid Series Systems are the key for future needs. The shallow depth makes the system suitable for most cabinets and thereby excellent as a replacement unit.

The compact size of the system makes it perfect for use in 19 or 23 wide racks and cabinets. Built as a plug-and-play system, the Flatpack S 1U reduces installation time and enables cost-effective deployment.

Features & Benefits

  • Small overall dimensions are ideal for both rack and cabinet applications.
  • DC loads and controller connections (alarms, communication, etc.) are front accessible. The AC connections and battery connections are rear.
  • The Smartpack S digital controller system provides comprehensive monitoring and regulation by utilizing a variety of specialized data collection.
  • Flatpack S modules feature front-to-back airflow and chassis-integrated heat-sinks, supplementing high-efficiency energy conversion with excellent heat management.
  • A true plug-and-play system, the Flatpack S 1U system reduces both time-to-install and overall costs.

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Contact Information

Emergency Power Corp
26128 West Seven Mile Rd
Redford, Michigan 48240

Phone: (313) 535-1434
Fax: (866) 522-5022

Contact Us Via Email
