The Zodiac

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Meaning Ram Bull Twins Crab Lion Maiden Scales Scorpion Archer Goat Water-bearer Fish
House First Second Third Four Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth Tenth Eleventh Twelfth
Number 9 6 5 2 1 5 6 9 3 8 4 7
Polarity Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative
Quality Mutable Fixed Cardinal Mutable Fixed Cardinal Mutable Fixed Cardinal Mutable Fixed Cardinal
Element Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water Fire Earth Air Water
Color Red Green Yellow Silver Gold Brown, or anything speckled and spotted Light red Black Purple Gray Blue Light green
Season Mid-Spring Late Spring Early Summer Midsummer Late Summer Early Autumn Mid-Autumn Late Autumn Early Winter Midwinter Late Winter Early Spring
Day Tuesday Friday Wednesday Monday Sunday Wednesday Friday Tuesday Thursday Saturday Saturday Thursday
Anatomy Adrenal glands, face, head Ears, neck and throat, thyroid, vocal cords Arms and hands, nervous and respiratory systems, thyroid Digestive system, lymphatic system Heart, lower back, spine Abdomen, central nervous system, intestines, spleen Endocrine system, kidneys, lumbar system Bladder, genitals, rectum Hips and thighs, pituitary gland, sciatic nerve Knees, skeleton, skin Ankles and shins, circulatory system, pineal gland Feet, lymphatic system, pituitary gland
Animals Dragons, sheep, tigers Cows, elephant Butterflies, monkeys, magpies & other birds Crabs & other crustaceans, frog Lions & other cats Bees & other insects, mice, small cats Doves, lizards & other small animals, swans Eagles, lizards, snakes, scorpions & other invertebrates Horses, stags, & other hoofed or hunted animals Bats, bears, goats & other cloven-footed beasts Peacocks & other large birds Dolphins, fish, & other marine animals
Foods Garlic, mustard, onions, hot or spicy food Apples, beetroot, grapes, spinach, wheat & other cereals Nuts, seeds, veg. growing above-ground (minus cabbage) Cucumbers, figs, milk, shellfish, watery foods Fatty foods, honey, kale, meat, walnuts Blackberries, cereal grains, veg. growing below-ground Asparagus, fruit, honey, milk, spices, wheat Beans, leeks, meat, onions, pungent or spicy foods Asparagus, berries, chicory, tomatoes, veg. with bulbs Barley, potatoes, meat, salted nuts, spinach, starchy foods Chilis, peppers, other foods with sharp, distinctive flavors Figs & other fruits, vegetables with a high water content
Herbs Hops, milk thistle, rosemary, St. John's Wort Bearberry, goldenrod, lovage, silverweed Aniseed, caraway, coltsfoot, meadowsweet Hyssop, verbena, peppermint, tarragon Borage, eyebright, motherwort, saffron Dill, fennel, skullcap, valerian Archangelica, catmint, feverfew, pennyroyal False unicorn, horehound, toadflax, wormwood Agrimony, burdock, mandrake, red clover Comfrey, henbane, shepherd's purse, thyme Catnip, chamomile, snake root, southernwood Coneflower, goldenseal, mugwort, sea lettuce
Trees Hawthorn, holly, thorny trees & shrubs, witch hazel Almond, apple, cypress, slippery elm Nut-bearing trees, especially hazel Acanthus, alder, willow, trees rich with sap Citrus trees, cedar, laurel, walnut Elder, nut-bearing trees Ash, junipter, poplar, white sycamore Birch, blackthorn, bramble, bushy trees Ash, chestnut, oak, mulberry, lime Aspen, hemlock, holly, pine, willow Frankincense, myrrh, rowan, most fruit trees Fig, hazel, willow, chaparral trees
Other Plants Anemone, mustard, nettle, thistle Dandelion, foxglove, narcissus, poppy Dog-grass, larkspur, tansy, yarrow Bogbean, chickweed, sundew, white rose Daffodil, lavender, mistletoe, sunflower Buttercup, flax, morning glory, skullcap Cabbage rose, dahlia, pansy, violet Amaryllis, chrysanthemum, heather, rhododendron Carnation, goldenrod, mallow, wood betony Black and red poppy, carnation, hellebore, horsetail Golden-rain, lady's slipper, snowdrop, valerian Fern, moss, seaweed, waterlily
Metals Iron Copper Mercury Copper, silver Gold Copper, mercury Copper Iron, plutonium Tin Lead, platinum Aluminum, lead, uranium Tin
Gems & Minerals Bloodstone, diamond, ruby, topaz Aquamarine, emerald, lapis lazuli, sapphire Citrine, serpentine, tiger's eye, tourmaline brown spinel, beryl, calcite, pearl Chrysocolla, onyx, pyrolusite, yellow spinel Blue topaz, carnelian, purple obsidian, sardonyx Green spinel, jade, moonstone, opal Garnet, malachite, obsidian, red spinel Azurite, chalcedony, snowflake obsidian, spinel Black tourmaline, jet, smoky quartz, fluorspar Amber, angelite, blue obsidian, magnetite Amethyst, chrysoprase, turquoise, sunstone
Places Newly cultivated land; sandy or hilly ground; places formerly inhabited by thieves; limekilns; brickworks gently rolling countrysides; warm places; stables, cellars & low rooms; markets barns and storehouses; city centers; coffers, trunks, & chests; hills & mountains; barren places peaceful places; navigable bodies of water, esp. large rivers & the sea; ditches & wells; springs & marshy ground; cellars; laundries forests & jungles; deserts; remote / inaccessible places; hearths, furnaces, & other fiery, constructed places anywhere ploughed / cultivated; libraries, granaries, & other storehouses hillsides, mountaintops, & other places with pure, clear air; barren, gravelly, or sandy fields, & other rough places battlefields; kitchens & larders; marshes, moors, & quagmires; orchards and vineyards; places where reptiles & vermin breed / where rubbish is stored attics, hilltops, & other elevated places Low & dark places; cow- & sheep-pens; thresholds; tool sheds & other lumber piles; thorny places Hilly & uneven places; quarries, wells, & other places where resources are extracted; recently-cultivated ground Marshes & springs; fish ponds & places where waterfowl breed; watermills & houses near water; wells & pump houses; dams & moats
Emotions Anger Contentment Disappointment Worry Satisfaction Deceitfulness Love Sorrow Isolation Fatigue Emptiness Confusion
Other Associations Metals, sharp things Nature, wealth Writing instruments The home, the past Wine The harvest Wine, music Birth and rebirth, death, sex Archery, horses, travel Administration, law Electricity Addiction, drama
Ruler Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury Venus Mars, Pluto Jupiter Saturn Saturn, Uranus Jupiter
Exaltation Sun Moon North Node Jupiter Neptune Mercury Saturn Uranus South Node Mars None Venus
Fall Saturn Uranus South Node Mars None Venus, Neptune Sun Moon North Node Jupiter Neptune Mercury
Detriment Venus Mars, Pluto Jupiter Saturn Uranus Jupiter, Neptune Mars Venus Mercury Moon Sun Mercury
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

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